October 6

Top 4 Successful Online Businesses and Why High Ticket is Better


Day 6: Top 4 Successful Online Businesses


One simple advice from a successful person can really make a huge difference and change the trajectory of your life in the best possible way possible.

You want to start an online business or have already started one? Are you still trying to figure out how this whole online business work? Have you earned a few dollars but are stuck? Are you questioning yourself if you are on the right business or not?

Settle down, because in the next few minutes I am going to clear the doubts and confusions that are troubling you.

In this post, I will be describing how David (Dave) Sharpe, The CEO and founder of Legendary Marketer, this amazing man, has done over $200 millions in sales online by only doing the businesses that abide by the 3 “Profit Activators” and is where he is now.

Not only has he made such a success for himself, but has helped over thousands of people to achieve their own definition of success simply by educating them the importance of the 3 “Profit Activators” a particular business should have to be successful and profitable.

After learning about the 3 “Profit Activators” you will be able to understand;

  1. Why most business models fail even if they are started by ‘smart’ people while even dummies can succeed if given the right tools.
  2. Importance of the right business blueprints.
  3. Identify the top 4 successful online businesses.
  4. How to make low and high ticket commissions ($1000 or above) from just one click.

The  3 Profit Activators

Dave Sharpe was taught by Jay Abraham, one of his many mentors who is one of the highest-paid marketing consultants, that there are only 3 ways to make money inside of a business. If you can really tap into these “3 profit activators”, then you have the potential to be extremely successful.

The 3 profit activators are:

  1. Get more customers
  2. Do repeated business with those same customers
  3. Sell higher ticket-products to increase revenue


While looking at those pointers, you might be thinking, “That simple” or “yeah, so I already knew it”, but let me ask you this, “Have you applied them on a particular business model to see if it will work?”

Let’s take some most common businesses as examples.

1. A 7 – 5 Job

Does it allow you to bring more customers into your business?

Well, it’s a job. It is not your business. You are probably working for someone else and filling up someone else’s pockets.

Does it allow you to do repeated business with those customers?

If you are not able to bring more customers, you won’t even be able to do another business transaction with them.

Does it allow you to sell high ticket products?

Definitely not. you will be stuck to do the same thing over and over again and wait for your paycheck at the end of the month.


2. Real State Flipping

Does it allow you to bring more customers into your business?

Definitely. You can many people you want to buy real estates.

Does it allow you to do repeated business with those customers?

No, because once you sell a house to someone, it is less likely they are going to buy another one if you propose them to.

Does it allow you to sell high ticket products?

Yes, you can. It may not be recurring but you can do rehabs of houses.


3. Brick and Mortar

Does it allow you to bring more customers into your business?

Yes, you can.

Does it allow you to do repeated business with those customers?

Yes, you can. Given your service and similar products of similar value, people would buy them

Does it allow you to sell high ticket products?

No, to stay in business they either maintain or lower their prices to maintain their low profit-margins.


4. *E-commerce such as Shopify and Amazon

Does it allow you to bring more customers into your business?

Yes, but you don’t get to keep your customers’ data unless you are making use of funnels such as an opt-in funnel or squeeze funnel.

Does it allow you to do repeated business with those customers?

Yes. You can sell related products with the first product they bought from you.

Does it allow you to sell high ticket products?

No. As they buy a product from you, you can upsell them other products but those products will never be able to ascend a Value Ladder.

If you do the mathematics, you will need to sell a lot in order to make a good amount of profit. Also, taking into account that you will be spending money on ads and the number of products you will need to sell to break even and make profits will have to be enormous, unless or otherwise, a proper strategy is applied.


5. MLM

Does it allow you to bring more customers into your business?

Yes. You advertise your products either online or in-person.

Does it allow you to do repeated business with those customers?

Yes. You can sell related products, like an upsell.

Does it allow you to sell high ticket products?

No. It is similar to E-Commerce, as they won’t ascend the Value Ladder. Or, even if you are experienced and want to sell your services to your recruits who are in the downlines as coaching, you can be perceived as being unethical in the business chain and get yourself kicked out.


So to summarise, I made a table below to illustrate it more clearly.


Get More CustomersDo Repeated Business with Those CustomerSell High Ticket Products to Increase Revenue
9 - 5 Job
Real State FlippingYESNOYES
Brick and Mortar BusinessYESYESNO
E-Commerse like Shopify and Amazon YESYESNO
Low Ticket ProductsYESYESNO
High Ticket ProductsYESYESYES


The Top 4 Successful Online Businesses

So what are the top 4 successful online businesses?

If you look at a particular Value Ladder.

The first step of the ladder (the Bait) and the second step (The Front End) are products that are sold in order to break-even (cover your investments) and all the products that are sold as upselling (Middle) and the Hight ticket products (Backend), are those that bring in the profit and makes your business grow.

Upon applying the 3 Profit Activators, the top 4 businesses are

  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Digital Products
  3. Coaching and Consulting
  4. Events and Mastermind


Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to grow successful and make an evergrowing income. It allows you to leverage the products of other people and get an fast income out of it.

However for that to happen you have to choose the right companies that are able to sell products that have a high value that encourages the buyer to ascend the Value Ladder, such as the middle products and the backend products.

This type of affiliate marketing is known as High Leverage High Ticket Affiliate Marketing.

Value Ladder



Digital Products

This a product that you can produce by using your knowledge and wisdom and turn them into an audio, video or written product (books and tutorials).

These products are also known as E-Products. They are created once to give high-level values and they are sold again and again with time. (High Leverage High Ticket)


Coaching and Consulting

Coaching and Consulting is in itself a High Ticket service that you provide to your prospects. This is so because you are using your valuable time and leveraging your knowledge and experience to teach and consult their business and growth.

The best part of coaching and consulting is that you can do it anywhere as long as you have an internet connection and a device such as a laptop or mobile phone.  You can do your coaching and consulting one on one or with a group of people via skype, zoom or facebook lives or video chats etc.


Events and Mastermind

This type of business is similar to Coaching and Consulting but on a higher ticket level if you view it in a Value Ladder.

Because you are now going to be there in person now. You are going to serve the people, who are going to come to you to spend time in a real-time with you, by sharing your lifestyle, energy and knowledge.


The Process of the TOP 4 Successful Online Businesses

These Top 4 Successful Online Businesses are provided as their products and services inside the Legendary Marketer (See this review for more information)

If you implement the Top 4 Successful Online Businesses into a Value Ladder, you will get something like this:

Value Ladder

These Top 4 Successful Online Businesses not only work well on their own but also work in conjunction with each other.

Let’s take Dave, the provider of his products and services, as an example

1. Having brought in traffics from any platform (Facebook, emails, youtube, etc,..) through his affiliates (who use either paid or free methods) or himself, those traffics opt-in via a squeeze page.

2. On the next page, affiliates can introduce themselves and talk about the products the prospects are going to buy. This is a way of providing value for that particular product.

3. Next, is the Sales Funnels, where Dave will introduce himself and close the deal. Once the prospects accept and take action to buy, Dave can try to upsell or down-sell other valuable offers to them.

4. The products sold hold so much value that they would want to ascend that particular Value Ladder and want to have the other products or services until they reach the Backend products (High Ticket products) of the ladder.

5. The people who reached the Backend of the ladder, now form part of a rather intimate circle of Dave. They would always want more value. And, this value comes in as real-life experience, coaching and live events which they will pay to be a part of.

Sales Process That Describes the Top 4 Successful Online Businesses




Now, if you are his pro affiliate, you are able to leverage all his products and services by getting commissions thanks to all those people who paid for them. Taking from front end products to the Live events and mastermind services, you are getting paid.

Even if you come up with your own Digital Products or Ascend yourself through this Value Ladder, you will keep generating cash as long as you are an affiliate to a company that always provide high-end products.

And as the provider of the product and services, Dave is able to have his business run successfully, both separately and in conjunction.

image 7



It doesn’t matter if you are experienced or new. If ever you are not able to perform well in your business, it doesn’t mean that you suck as an entrepreneur. It simply means that the business has not the required factors to grow financially successful.

If you want to learn more about how to set up one of these top 4 successful online businesses, do follow my number one recommendation by clicking here.

I also recommend the use of funnels from Click Funnels. Not only they have the best sales funnels in the market, but they also give you in-depth training on setting up your business. Check their webinar by clicking here and join here to get your 14 days free trial.

I hope the information provided was valuable. If you liked it, feel free to comment and share it with your friends and closed ones. Stay blessed.


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