October 13

Top 10 Quotes Rich Dad Poor Dad


Day 13: Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes


My previous post was on the top 10 lessons learned from one of the amazing book, Rich Dad Poor Dad. In this post, I will talk about and elaborate on the quotes that caught my attention.

Being born in a middle-class family, I found myself relating to most of what Robert Kiyosaki had with his Poor Dad. The money blueprint that had been passed on through my ancestors was really sort of “Play It Safe” style.

Both my grandfather and father had their own personal life-lesson that they conveyed to me and I did my best to absorb all I could. I will always be thankful to them because, through their life experience which they shared, I was able to learn a lot and could differ the good from the bad. (Check out my story)

Without further due, I’ll elaborate on quotes that caught my attention while my mind was on this amazing & educative journey while reading this book.


Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes


Quote 1

“There is a difference between being poor and being broke. Broke is temporary. Poor is eternal.”

You become what you tell yourself.

I like mountain hiking. One day when I during one of my hiking, I came across a group of people, who like me, were about to reach the peak of the mountain. The route was a rather difficult 0ne but I had already set my mind that I would reach the top because I wanted to do it.

In that group in front of me, there was a girl, who looked at the route and sat down. She didn’t want to do. She kept saying “It’s difficult, I can’t do it”, “I won’t be able to do it, I’m scared I’ll fall”, “I won’t succeed and I won’t be able to reach the peak.”

At that moment, a man gave her a bottle of water and said, “Girl, if you say you can’t do it then it’s true you won’t be able to do it. Neither I nor this group will be able to help. It is so because you are not helping yourself. If you really wanted to reach the peak, you should motivate yourself and tell yourself you can.”

The girl got up and continued and reached the peak.

It’s true what I wrote has nothing to do with business or money. But, what is important here is the lesson. You become what you tell yourself. You only succeed if you want it and tell yourself you will succeed. If you think like a poor, you will definitely be poor.


Quote 2

“People’s lives are forever controlled by two emotions: fear and greed”

This control by money is set firstly by fear. The fear of living life with less or no money motivates you to work hard. Once you receive your paycheck, greed or desire starts to crop into your mind, making you want to have the things and buy them, which, you believe you have worked hard for.

The pattern is then set – you get up, go to work, live with your paycheck, pay your bills, you get up and repeat.

You should control your emotions when it comes to money. If you let your emotions such joy, desire or greed take over, you will fail to understand money.

Emotions, according to Rich Dad, stands for energy in motion. You should use your mind and emotion in your favour and not against.


Quote 3

“Rich people acquire assets. The poor and the middle class acquire liabilities that they think are assets.”

This is true. In my family itself, most of what I own are liabilities. They were mostly brought by my father which he thought he was buying money generating assets but in the end, they turned out to be liabilities. I was even planning to sell them locally but he still keeps them.

It is important for someone to be financially literate and have a good financial foundation. This allows someone to distinguish between an “asset” and a “liability”.

In simple terms, an asset is anything that brings money in your pocket while a liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket.

Money generated from your assets can be used to replace for the money spent on your liabilities.

Everyone has assets and liabilities. What really distinguishes Rich people from Poor people is that the Rich have more assets than liabilities while the Poor have more liabilities than assets.


Quote 4

” Financial struggle is often the result of people working all their lives for someone else”

You often become what you study. After high school, I studied mechanical engineering and worked as an engineer for 3 years. But was not minding my own business.

My money blueprint played an important role too. I wasn’t able to save much while working for someone else. My financial foundation was lacking and was clinging to the fact that by working for the government or someone else I would be able to secure a good future. I was absolutely wrong.

I learned a lot while working, that’s a truth I will never deny. I made a lot of mistakes but learned a lot of them. But now it’s time to handle (mind) my own business.


Quote 5

“The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth.”

You can be well educated and smart but if you have not trained your mind to be financially literate, it can create extreme poverty which can crush a family for generations.

The more your mind is financially trained, the more ways you will find to generate money. Investing in our financial intelligence is one of the best investments you can actually make.


Quote 6

“It is not gambling if you know what you’re doing. It is gambling if you’re just throwing money into a deal and praying.”

There are always risks in any business. But using your technical intelligence, knowledge and love for it, is very important. Your financial intelligence too plays a great role in improving the odds.

What might seem to be a gamble and risky for someone, it is a strategy and less risky for someone else. The smarter you are financially, the better is your chance to beat the odds.

It is what you know that is your greatest wealth and what you don’t know is your greatest risk.


Quote 7

“Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are seen with your mind”

The more financially literate you are, the more you are able to understand what you lack. You will eventually seek out that missing part.

Enriching your mind with financial knowledge will eventually allow you to perform well while others will still be wondering how are they going to start or what are they going to do.

Quote 8

“They are one skill away from great wealth”

What I understood and could relate from this is that you can be a specialist in a field of study but what is preventing you to achieve your dream is just one skill.

I have an aunt who is very skillful in painting and in making handmade products. we had a conversion about why doesn’t she put her products on a social platform like Facebook. Her reply was “I don’t know how to do it, and even if I know it, I tend to forget it and besides i’m from an old genreation. I’m too old to learn it”

I’m still trying to make her realise that there is a skill that she lacks and no matter what her age, learning is a never-ending process.


Quote 9

“Job is the acronym for ‘Just Over Broke'”

This phrase made me think really hard. What followed next was so true.

– “Workers work hard enough to not get fired, and owners pay just enough so that workers don’t quit.”

Why do you rarely see a “worker” get ahead financially? Because they do as they have been taught to. Go to school. Read and specialise in one field. Get a secured job. Work hard and climb the hierarchy. Secure a good retirement lump sum.

We see most people working and living paycheck to paycheck. It’s a short term reward and solution for a longterm problem.

What Robert recommends to young people is to seek work for what they will learn more than what they will earn. Look at the

Quote 10

“For most people, the reason they don’t win financially is because the pain of losing money is far greater than the joy of being rich”

Before learning how to walk, a child falls down. The kid falls an innumerable number of times but doesn’t give up until he walks. The same can be said for someone trying to ride a bicycle, he falls many times but eventually succeeds.

What’s the lesson here? In life, you will fail many times and it’s normal but what you get out of it is what will make you succeed.

Failure inspires winners. Failure defeats losers. You choose what you want to be.

As David Sharpe said, “There are no failures, but only feedback.”

Best 10 quotes from Rich Dad Poor Dad


You can also have a look at the video of one of the rising entrepreneur’s selected quotes from Rich Dad Poor Dad. Feel free to subscribe to her channel 😀


Final Thoughts

The knowledge obtained from this book is extremely valuable. I was able to connect a lot with the situations he faced with his poor dad. An education platform acted as my Rich dad and allowed me to change my views. Click here to check it out.

Another platform that guides people to have their own business is no other than Click Funnels, do attend the web class for more information.

If you have found value in this post, always feel free to comment and share it with your loved ones. Stay blessed.


* If you purchase anything through a link in this article, you should assume that I have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that I’ll be compensated in some small way at no extra cost to you.




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  • I’ve read the book myself and i find it extremely informative and life changing. i like the way you explained the quotes.

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