October 4

What is a Sales Funnel? (And why websites don’t work anymore!)

Sales Funnel

Sales Funnel Intro

If you are on this page, you are most likely an online entrepreneur. You might want to sell things online, right? You have a website, which is not making any significant sales. Don’t think that you are a bad salesman, it’s just that your website is not performing its required job well.

A decade ago, websites were doing all the sales of all online businesses. But, that was a decade ago, now they are nearly extinct.

But, why?

The answer is simple…

They have been replaced by FUNNELS… more specifically, by SALES FUNNELS.


Websites vs Funnels

For any business to survive, it needs to be able to generate money. For that it needs to be doing sales of its products or services and for this to happen, the need of people (leads) willing to buy them is the utmost importance. Without leads, there won’t be any sales and the business will eventually die.

That’s what has been happening with websites.

Your typical business website may look similar to this one:

Wesite example
An example of a typical website

For you, your website may look beautiful and amazing but the traffic, they are viewing your website like this:

reality of website 1
Confused traffic

When leads come to your website (through ads, or research), they are excited and come with the intention of doing business with you (buy something from you) but once they land there, they are clicking various links instead of going directly to where they want to go. They get confused and eventually you lose them.

Always remember, “A CONFUSED mind, always says NO”.

So with this type of structure, you are hardly getting your leads to go to where you want them to go. Instead, the structure should have been a direct approach, where your prospects go directly to where they want and actually buy.

reality of website
Desired path of a lead that wants to buy a product


The secret of actually having this type of structure and making lots of sales is through “sales funnels”.


What are Sales Funnels?

If you look at a funnel, it is shaped as an inverted cone. Wide at the top and as you get closer and closer to the bottom part of the funnel, it gets narrower and narrower. The same is for an online funnel also known as sales funnels.

A sales funnel is a series of meticulously and beautifully elaborated online pages to draw in potential customers into paying customers without entering a maze of unwanted clicks and question where they are headed, by applying and considering 4 main stages.


Stages of a Sales Funnel

There are 4 main stages that take place inside a sales funnel.

Sales Funnel

Stage 1: Awareness

This occurs when the entrepreneur is able to generate traffic, which can be through social media posts, through blogging contents or paid ads, to the funnel. Once they enter the funnel, they are no more considered as traffic but prospects. The entrepreneur has already made them aware that they are there because he has raised his value in regards of the problems they are having and he has a solution for that.

Stage 2: Interest

In this stage, the prospects are still questioning their decision if they have made the right choice or not. For the entrepreneur, this is the right moment to swoop in, not to sell but to give value to his service and show how this service can help them by providing them examples.

Stage 3: Decision

This is the stage where the leads are considering buying or have already decided to buy the product. Now, in order to make sure they do, the entrepreneur offers a bonus or proposes an extra service making it irresistible for the leads not to buy.

Stage 4: Action

In this stage, this is where your leads take action and buy. They become your customer and are now part of your company.

Tip: The work of the entrepreneur does not stop here. As to make more profit, he can now upsell or down-sell more products of similar value until he is able to close a deal of his back end products.


What are inside the pages of a Sales Funnel?

In order to come up with an effective sales funnel, you have to be able to come up with a proper and complete value ladder and map all the products of the different levels to your sales funnels to maximize your sales and profit.

Sales Funnel
Mapping your Value Ladder to your Sales Funnel


If you are able to map your front end products till the back end product of your value ladder into the funnel pages and present them to your customers following the 4 main stages, your company will, without a doubt make more and more profit.


The approaches used in the Sales Funnels

image 4


  • You bait your traffic with an extremely cheap or free valuable offer (front end offer)
  • Once hooked the traffic enters your landing page where you collect contact information to send them your front end offer.

You need to understand and realize that not everyone that buys your bait will buy all your other products through the sales funnels but a small percentage who took your bait will.

  • You can now apply the four stages, mentioned above, and continue through your Value Ladder.
  • At the end of the funnel, you will find a handful of your promising customers who have been able to afford your back end product. They are the ones that you want to connect at a more professional level and do more business with.


Is it too hard for you to come up with your front end and back end product of your value ladder and you don’t know how to map them to your sales funnels?

Fear not!

Russell Brunsson, the founder and CEO of Click Funnels, has meticulously elaborated all the best steps of how you can build your most effective money-generating sales funnels in his free book “Dotcom Secrets”. Grab it here. (You only pay shipping)


What are the best 5 companies from where you can get your Sales Funnels?

  1. Click Funnels
  2. Leadpages
  3. Instapages
  4. Convertri
  5. Simvoly

What I personally recommend is the Sales funnels of Click Funnels. They have the best Sales Funnels and best customer support (well I hardly believe you will need one). They give you everything that you need to market, sell and deliver your products online through one convenient dashboard without needing extra autoresponder software, shopping carts or websites. Moreover, they provide you with a free 14 days trials without mentioning 100% money-back guarantee on your purchases with you are unsatisfied.



To conclude, websites have died and replaced by sales funnels. A sale funnel is a more effective and efficient method that helps you to come up with the best strategies to convert your traffic and contents into cash. If you want to learn more about how to manage your sales funnels, check this webinar and get your free 14 Days Trials.

If you want to start an online business but you don’t know where to start, here is my #1 recommendation.

If you liked my content on Sales Funnels, please comment and share your views with me as well as share it with your friends and closed ones. Stay blessed


Profit maximization, Sales Funnel

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