September 2

What is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing – Want to Make $1,000 Everyday?


What is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing - How Does it Work?

Firstly, off the bat, Affiliate Marketing is the best online business anybody can start with.

However, many affiliates still struggle to tap into this 17 Billion Dollar Industry and make $1,000 a year.

Being in the online industry for over 3 years now, I can list down most of the reasons.


1. Wrong guidance on how to start.

2. Listening to fake Gurus and no investing in the education, mentorship or righ guidance.

3. If they invested, they didn't follow through and didn't take action.

4. Applying all their focus and energy on LOW TICKET products.

If you are more of a visual person, I created a video explaining about High Ticket Affiliate Marketing.

But if you prefer reading, then,

In this article, my aim is to help you know, 

- What is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing 

- High Ticket Affiliate Marketing vs Low Ticket Affiliate Marketing

- Types of High Ticket Products 

- How to incorporate High Ticket Affiliate Products in your business strategies.

- What High Ticket Affiliate Products I recommend

What is High Ticket Affiliate Marketing

High ticket affiliate marketing is when you market any product that gives you an affiliate commission of $1,000 or more.

Such products are called high ticket affiliate products.

If you think that high ticket affiliate marketing is difficult and no one will consider buying that product then problem lies within you and your mindset.

Because if we go by the though of people not buying high ticket products,

There wouldn't be premium seats "First Class or Business Class seats" in an aeroplane, nor would there be premium seats "VIPs" in a show.

Get my point? 

There are always people ready to pay for a premium price to get the premium services.

High Ticket Affiliate Marketing vs Low Ticket Affiliate Marketing

Consider a product that cost $10 and pays an affiliate commission of 50%.

Now, whenever someone will buy the product through you, you will be paid $5.

Imagine how many such products should you sell to make $1,000

The answer is, you need to make 200 sales

No wonder, there are over 90% of affiliate marketers struggle to make $1,000 a year 

But what if instead of a low ticket product, you would sell a $500 product that provides the same amount of % commission, which is 50%?

Let's see.

So per sale, you’d be making $250 

And to make $1,000, 

You woud only require 4 sales of that particular product.

And now imagine, a product that allows you to get $1,000 as affiliate commission per sale.

1 sale is all you need to make $1,000.

And now, imagine if you made 10 sales of that product.

That would be making you $10,000

And this is what I aim to make in a month.

What High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Products To Promote? 

There are physical affiliate products and digital affiliate products you can promote.

My advice is to promote digital products over physical products.

Digital Product vs Physical Product 

First reason, Digital products offer higher percentage affiliate commissions (30%  - 100%) compared to low ticket products.

Let's take the number 1 physical product seller -

Amazon affiliate product percentage

Who To Promote Your High Ticket Affiliate Product to?

The answer to this quesiton is simple.

Always market to people in your niche/market who are ABLE and WILLING to buy.

Never to someone is willing to buy but cannot pay or can pay but is not willing to buy.

Types of High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Products

From my 3 years experience of doing affiliate marketing, I have come across mainly 3 types of high ticket affiliate mamrketing products and they are;

1. Traditional High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Products

2. Ladder High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Products

3. Direct Pay High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Products

1. Traditional High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Products

This type of high ticket affiliate product starts directly with a high ticket price of $1,000 or $2,000 or even more.

And you mostly get 30% to 50% commission or more. 

And this type of high ticket product works best when promoted to people who are in your emial list an who already know you, like you and trust you.

2. Ladder High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Products

This type of high ticket affiliate product usually starts with a low ticket product.

The low ticket overdelivers value upfront and get people to see how the company/product can truly help them get to the results they want to achieve. 

Then there are different other products with varying prices that are presented as upsells to help people better.

And in the back end there is either one high ticket product or a series of high ticket products that will be presented to you to help you get to your results faster.

And this is where you make your high ticket affiliate commission

3. Direct Pay High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Products

The other 2 types I just mentioned, has a delay of paying their affiliates because of a money back guarantee period they hold.

But with the third type of high ticket, you are paid directly and there are no refunds for the buyers

The high tickets I have promoted the most are the first two types, which are the traditional ones and the ladder type high tickets.

Where To Find High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Products?

You can look for them in affiliate networks like clickbank or warrior plus.

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Or get into contact with individuals who built a proven to work digital product that gives you a good affiliate commission and a good affiliate service

A quick questions on entrepreneur groups on Clickfunnels will get you people who have high ticket affiliate products reach you out.

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How To Promote High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Products?

As a marketer, you need to attract people to you instead of you chasing them.

For that, we will create content that help solve a particular problem or set of problems the people in our niche are having.

And it’s really important to know "who we are marketing to", because we will be entering into the conversation they are already having inside their minds.

And, answer any question, insecurities, doubts they have through those contents of ours.

You see, your content will channel the people who will resonate with the high ticket products you will be promoting or marketing.

Your contents can be in form of short videos, like tiktok, instagram reels, Facebook reels and youtube shorts



Facebook Reels

Facebook Reels

Instragram Reels

Instragram Reels

YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts

OR contents in social media such as Facebook posts or videos or instagram pictures 


content in search engines such as blogs or youtube videos.

In my opinion, YouTube is the best way one can help solve other people’s problem and help them through their videos…

And an example is the video I posted above.

Another way is TO BUILD A COMMUNITY.

Examples can be facebook groups or a discord channel or telegram group.

And in that community you have to provide value such as tips or training and enter into a conversation with your followers who are engaging to see if your high ticket affiliate offer is a good fit for them or not.

Many affiliates try hard to sell, but a good affiliate diagnoses first.

By diagnosis, I mean talk with them. And, like I always say, it’s not about you but it’s always about them.

If you see that they are not a good fit for that product you are promoting, kindly tell them, they are not a good fit and move on.

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But if they are a good fit, then guide them through, and tell them how to proceed with the purchase and how can you help them further 

And guys, most of the time, people will say NO to you because they need time to process if what they will be investing on is something that will help them reach to their goals or not

So if they happen to say NO to you, don’t be desperate to sell to them. Let them be, and move on to someone else who you know your high ticket affiliate products can help.

Important Note:

Now, ofc before you choose to promote any high ticket affiliate product, it is important for you to buy it and go through it for you to know and understand who will be a good fit for it and who won’t.

And another reason who need to buy what you are promoting is to attract people like you. Now imagine if you are a freebie seeker and a tyre kicker, you would be attracting people who are similar to you.

How To Include High Ticket Affiliate Products In Your Marketing?

Like I mentionned, I have mostly used Traditional High Tickets and Ladder High Tickets.

My most favoured and recommended high ticket is a value high ticket affilate marketing product and this is what I would personally recommend anyone starting online to start with.

In fact, here is my number 1 recommended High Ticket program you can get started with.

And, here is it's ladder front end product called the 72 Hour Challenge.

The way I have been promoting ladder high ticket affiliate product is like this

How to do high ticket affiliate marketing

1. You drive traffic through your content to your Opt-in page to collect their name and email address and build a list.

2. Direct them to your bridge page to bridge any gaps between you, your traffic and the ladder affiliate product (low ticket) you want to promote.

3. If they buy you will make a commission, if not, you will send emails.

4. Your first email, you introduce yourself and direct them a content you might have created. (Remember you are not selling anything)

5. Second email, give them value and you can direct them to your offer.

6. Give them value again, this time direct to another content that relates to the value you are giving.

7. Continue this for a total of 5 to 7 emails and the last email list bonuses or deadlines.

8. Those who buy, put them in another list or automation. When someoen buys, you know they are interested in learning more and will buy another product.

9. Introduce a complement high ticket affiliate products, and do the same step (2-8). here you can choose if you want to promote a ladder high ticket or a traditinal high ticket.

If you want to learn more on how to build a high ticket affiliate marketing business, then I would suggest to watch this FREE Masterclass that shows you how ordinary people are making high ticket affiliate commissions with silent 5 - 15 seconds videos

Recommended High Ticket Programs

My number 1 recommended High Ticket Product is an educational product called The Freedom Accelerator

It costs $1,497  (for now - it might increase) giving 50% affiliate commission.

You can watch this video really quick, to know more about it.

But let's say you, before you invest in the high ticket, you want to see if it is something that will help you or not, you can check out it's starting low ticket product called the 72 Hour Challenge

It's $7 and you can watch the video below to know more about it.

The Freedom Accelerator teaches you how to build a successful affiliate marketing business and how to make at least $100k per month.

This is what I was missing and many affiliate marketers are currently missing in their affiliate marketing business.

My second recommended high ticket is Legendary Marketer.

Legendary Marketer starts with a $7 product too, called the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge.

It has 3 High Tickets Products known as the Bussiness Blueprints and cost $2,500, $4,500 and $9,500 respectively.

They are priced like this because this course is taught by a Multi 9 Figure Earner - David Sharpe

You can watch this video for more clarity.


To succeed as an affiliate marketer, a high ticket affiliate marketing product is important, and this is what helps you bring in good cashflow in your business.

If you want to start with the right foundation and right guidance to build a successful high ticket affiliate marketing business, then start with the Freedom Accelerator's 72 Hour Challenge.

Or get the high ticket affiliate marketing product of Freedom Accelerator directly and get the 3 Day challenge for free with 50% affiliate commission.


Affiliate Marketing, High ticket affiliate marketing

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