October 11

What Is Your Money Blueprint And How Do You Change It?


Day 11: Money Blueprint


Money Blueprint

Have you ever wondered why you aren’t making significant progress in your life? Or, why is it that you are unable to save enough money to have your leisure life?

Is it because you are spending too much? Or, is it because you are not saving enough?

Maybe you knew you needed to save that extra remaining cash but then you spent in on something you wanted as you “subconsciously” told yourself that you deserved it because you’ve worked hard for it?

Later, you start to question yourself if it was worth it or not. The answer obtained will then depend on, “… BUT I enjoyed myself and I am happy” OR “I enjoyed myself and I’m happy, BUT…

But again, why are some people living leisurely and why you are struggling financially?

Is because of your job, your level of education, intelligence, skills or luck?

No, it’s not!

The REAL answer lies within the money blueprint that is inside of you. This money blueprint has been inbuilt in you since an early age and lies in your subconscious mind.

Everyone has their own money blueprint. It is that blueprint itself that determines whether someone will be destined a rich life or a life of struggle.

What Is The Money Blueprint?

Money blueprint is the intimate relationship you have with money. It’s how you have been indoctrinated to view money throughout your whole life till now.

What is money for you? What comes in your mind when you think about the word “MONEY”?

Is the definition of money represents amazing, fear, aims, goals, everything, nothing, a need or a desire? It all comes to how you view it in your subconscious mind.

According to T. Harv Eker, author of the best selling books Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and SpeedWealth, anyone can know and learn about marketing, business or real estate but is the subconscious money blueprint is set to a low level, you will always be set to the low level of income as this where you are comfortable.

You might have heard of Lotto Winners going broke after just a few years. Why? It’s because their money blueprint was set on “Low”. While on the other hand, if we look at the President of the United States, at one point in life he almost lost everything and filed bankruptcy but then a few years later he got more than everything back. Why? Because his money blueprint was set for “High”.


How is the Money Bluprint Formed?

Our mind is like a memory card in which we store information. Unfortunately, many of us have had our memory chip filled by people who weren’t successful or didn’t have a lot of money, to begin with. So their blueprint now reflects what they have learned.

According to T. Harv Eker, there are 3 main ways that describe how the money blueprint is formed in our mind and they are

  1. Verbal Programming
  2. Modelling
  3. Specific Incidents


Verbal Programming

Spoken Words influence you Money Blueprint

While growing up, you might have heard your parents or someone says “Do you think I have a tree of money?” or “Money is the root of all evil” or “filthy rich”, “If you don’t work hard you won’t be able to get money”, “Am I made of money?”.

I used to hear them a lot. Especially the “We are can’t afford it” because of financial issues. See more of my story here.

In an interview, Dr Bruce Lipton says, “95 % of our life is coming from the programs of life, how to live life that we get in the first seven years of life.”

According to Dr Lipton, during the first 7 years after any human being is born, undergoes, what he calls, a “download hypnosis”.

It’s during these 7 years that a child is “hypnotised” and learn what he observes. The pieces of information that are being shown, is processed by how the child is being taught to understand it. This information is stored in the unconscious mind.

If, as a growing kid, you hear “that’s for the rich”, “You can’t it cuz we are poor” or “We don’t have what the rich have” then when you grow up, 95% of your day will go on by self-sabotaging yourself.



As the saying goes “Monkey see, monkey do.” It implies that whatever we see as we are growing up, we will turn out to do the same. An example we tend to model one of our parents in the case of money.

What were your parents approach with money? Did have poor money blueprints or rich money blueprints? whatever it was, they were not at fault because they themselves had a subconscious blueprint that was passed on to them by their parents and their parents before.

“Rich people will always stay rich while the poor will always stay poor”

This saying is simple. If a kid grows up learning how to have a healthy relationship with money by watching his/her parents do it successfully, the chance he turns out to be the same is very high.


Specific Incidents

Specific incidents are what primarily conditioned us. What experience you had about money, rich people or people, when you grew up?

T. Harv Eker gives an example of a woman who attended one of his seminars. She works as an active nurse with an excellent income but spends all her money.

When they investigated, she revealed that when she was a child of 11, her parents were having a discussion about money. During the discussion, her dad collapsed. Having undergone CPR training, she tried to help her father but to avail and died in front of her.

Since that day, her relationship with money was inked with pain. And it was no wonder, as she grew up, she subconsciously spent all her money in the effort of getting rid of her pain.

Experiences that caused an impact on your life, while growing up, turn out to be the most important as they are the ones that shaped the beliefs or illusions that you now live by.


How Can You Change Your Money Blueprint?

Before asking the question of “How can I change it?” you need to understand the “Why to change it?” concept.

Change only comes when you are actually wanting to make a change.

If your money blueprint is set on a “Low”  and you are comfortable with it, a change won’t matter. But if you are wanting to go on high because you want to get out of that “Low” and reach the “High”, then this change is important.

For changing it, don’ look at why you’ve been struggling, look at where your struggles are. Because in your mind, there is this subconscious program that doesn’t support the goal that you’ve been looking for.

But how will I be able to change what my subconscious doesn’t want me to achieve?

Your subconscious mind learns in 2 ways.

  1. Hypnosis
  2. Repetition

For the first part, you were already in the hypnosis phase for the first 7 years of your life.

For the second part, repetition is a habit. To make a habit, you have to do something religiously, in the sense, of repeating it, repeating it and repeating it until you make it.

Your brain then rewires itself as it has done something different than what it was programmed to do.

As for my personal experience, I once had reckless expenditures and was not saving much. Then one day, my ex-colleague as well as friend, Mr Rama and I, were having a conversation about if ever one of us won the lotto what will we do.

“I want to make a world tour and later on build a house and …”, I continued then when it was his turn, he said, “Money was made to make it grow, I personally would invest in…”, he continued to explain his strategy of making money grow. That moment I got one of the most valuable lessons about money.

“Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future” was truly said by Dan Pena.

If you want to change from that poor money blueprint, hang out with people whose goals are greater than yours. You will find yourself wanting to do the same as them as your subconscious mind will be trained to be happy with the fact that you are trying and trying to reach this new goal.

Money Blueprint
Source: decisivemarketer.com


Your subconscious mind will make you take actions of what you truly believe in. Surrounding yourself with people that encourage you to be a better version of yourself will always encourage your mind to make it a habit.

Having a healthy habit will allow you to set a rich money blueprint that will be beneficial for you and the next generation to come. Today you are learner but tomorrow, you will be a teacher. The rich money blueprint you adopt will eventually be passed on to the next generation.


My recommendations for businesses having good money blueprints are;

  1. Legendary Marketer. It gives you a profound education on building a solid business and lets you earn while you learn by a taking 15 Days Online Business Challenge
  2. Click Funnels , do attend the web class for more information.


If you have found value in this post, always feel free to comment and share it with your loved ones. Stay blessed.

* If you purchase anything through a link in this article, you should assume that I have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that I’ll be compensated in some small way at no extra cost to you.


Money Blueprint

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